Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) enables the ability to not just see, but fully emerge and experience a space that has not been build yet which can be used as a very strong and impressive sales tool.
Nightnurse Images has different VR-offers that cater to different client needs. Here is all you need to know about our VR-products.

Our VR Offerings

We use different kinds of VR software, as each software has different unique possibilities that enable us to tailor fascinating VR-experiences for all needs. Currently, our VR-products are divided into three categories, which are 360° static 3D experiences, semi-static VR experiences and the full Virtual Reality experience.

From a business perspective, VR is not just a fun tool it has proven to make viewers spend more time looking and exploring, than on a still image.

360° Stereo Spherical Renderings by Nightnurse Images give the viewer the opportunity to take a look around a rendered space from predefined points in the same quality as our high-end images. The visualizations are suitable for the full range of means of presentation – embedding in websites for marketing projects is probably the most common use case.

The semi-static VR Experience by Nightnurse Image is made with the PresenZ software and an easy upgrade to the 360° Images. Allowing us to render photorealistic, stereographic, digital scenes, enabling real freedom of movement, 3D-sound and, to take matters over the top, with animated objects.

Our Full Virtual Reality Experience is made with the Unreal game engine, similar to TwinMotion. The experience ranges from “simple” real-time animated spaces, to design configurations, that allow users to configure and experience the apartment of their dreams with materials and surfaces all the way down to furniture in real-time.

Further Information

More on that topic in our Blog:
Exploring Opportunities of Virtual Reality
Our VR Products explained

Further Information on the technical Details:
The PresenZ Technology
Unreal Engine